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The eight-step strategy presented in this book takes the mystery out of writing effective training courses. Practical templates, checklists, assessments, and examples streamline your effort and eliminate writer's block. You'll discover how to make the most of limited time, money, and human resources.

This systematic approach has helped thousands of writers like you create training programs that deliver what they promise. In just hours, you can learn techniques and time-savers that other have learned only through hard-won experience and costly mistakes.



Key Benefits

  • Develop training lessons that make a difference.
  • Customize off-the-shelf training to meet your customer's needs.
  • Repurpose existing documentation.
  • Globalize your training for culturally diverse learners and localize for special needs learners.
  • Plug-in usable CGI, Java, and HTML scripts. Learn where to download, how to customize and use them in your electronic or classroom training.
  • Recognize dead end paths that can undermine the success of your project.


This is the only guide like it that I know of on the market. It has a logical format, clear instructions, and lots of practical examples. I think Forecasting Training Tempests sections throughout are some of the best pearls of wisdom I've ever encountered. Highly recommended.

Peggy Jacobson, Ph.D.

President, Technical Communications Consultants, Inc.

President, Puget Sound Chapter, Society for Technical Communicators

Seattle, Washington

This book provides an excellent starting point for technical writers interested in the field of technical training. [Rives has] created an important guide to this field that will be welcomed by many writers...[she has] the bases well covered.
Carol Perkins

Training Development Manager, Brooktrout Technology

Los Gatos, California

This is the first book I recommend if you don't have time to make mistakes.
Clare Petrich

Acting Executive Director, World Trade Center

Tacoma, Washington

Finally! A foundation book for those of us so caught up in the technology of training delivery that we've overlooked the basics of how to develop good training. I've seen the author in action, and I know that this book is not just a theory. She has written this book from her own experience and success in developing good training.

Burkhard Berger

District Commodore, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Honolulu, Hawaii

Ms. Hassell-Corbiell uses her combination of talent, hard work, and years of experience to help technical writers enhance their knowledge base and increase their value in the workplace. Whether you are a novice or an experienced trainer, a one-person operation or a major corporation, if you need to pass knowledge to others through training, this is the book to buy. Study the information, view the examples, and use the templates to simplify the development process.

Pamela Coca, Technical Writer and Consultant

Owner, Write-On Communications

Member, American Medical Writer's Association

Laguna Niguel, California

How to Order

Developing Training Courses is available now. The cost is $29.95 per copy, in US currency, plus applicable taxes and shipping (Add $4.50 for normal priority shipping within the USA, and $2.55 if your shipping address is in the State of Washington.) You can order by submitting the request form below, sending an e-mail, faxing, or phoning. This is not a secure site. Please request a phone call-back for credit card orders (Visa, MC are accepted). Please make checks payable to: Learning Edge Publishing, PO Box 97041-W, Tacoma, WA 98497-0041. Phone: 253. 588.5174, Fax 253.588.1594.

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